OCC Bred Heifers
Our OCC Bred Heifers (Ohlde Cattle Company) are meticulously bred by the king of genetic breeding, Tim Ohlde himself. These exceptional females have been paired with OCC bulls designed to make a lasting impact on angus genetics.
Our ladies have been AI'ed to OCC Night Watch 902N & OCC X-cell 652X. They have also been pasture exposed to OCC Good Man 661G, OCC Gumption789G, and our herd bull Johnny Bravo (GAR Ashland B2059). It's worth noting that each newborn calf holds a value ranging from $3,500 to $15,000 as they mature.
Angus Bulls, Angus Heifers, Angus Replacement Heifers, Angus Cows, Angus Calves, Registered Angus Bulls, Registered Angus Heifers, Registered Angus Cows, Registered Angus Cattle, Angus Genetics, Bred Heifers, Bred Cows, Show Calves, Angus Cattle, All Natural Beef, For Sale, Near Me, In Texas & Across the USA.