Angus Bulls, Angus Heifers, Angus Replacement Heifers, Angus Cows, Angus Calves, Registered Angus Bulls, Registered Angus Heifers, Registered Angus Cows, Registered Angus Cattle, Angus Genetics, Bred Heifers, Bred Cows, Show Calves, Angus Cattle, All Natural Beef, For Sale, Near Me, In Texas & Across the USA.
"Britt Your cattle have been a great addition to our heard. For this year we have been averaging over 93% CAB and over 30% Prime. The last two weeks we were 7 out of 12 prime. Thanks for your comments. I will send pictures of the bulls soon. They look great."
"My records show that we only had 12 of your J's graded by USDA: 100% CAB, 9 were Choice and 3 were Prime. I have no doubt the others we used for freezer beef were Choice or higher because I know a couple of times the processor sent us pictures of them saying he thought they were Prime, but were not USDA graded."
​- Greg
“The cows/calves are doing great. Always looking to add and we have had good luck with you guys."
"Your Bull is working wonders for my herd."
"My calves hit the ground looking better than I could have imagined. Thank you for working with me to improve my herd."
"Your Grassfed Genetics have surpassed my expectations. These genetics have reduced my overall cost dramatically. Couldn't be happier."
"He got first in class. They divide them up into classes based on birthdate. Then if you place first you go to overall which includes all angus from all classes which he placed 4th in that one. Overall includes all ages of cattle entered into the show for that specific breed."
-Richard, in reference to his son's show calf from 1860 Farms
"And a quick story……..we weaned the calves using the fence weaning technique. The bull calf was starting to act like a teenager, so we moved him a couple miles away to a corral with couple other youngsters from another herd. About 4 hours later, he escaped. We lost him for two full days in the extreme heat. Out of the blue, he showed up on an adjoining pasture to where we moved him from. That little guy crossed two major highways, i don’t know how many fences and ended up back home because he missed his momma. We all learned something…..and his new name is Houdini"
"Just to let you know, I bought one of your unregistered young bulls last year. His tag was fo55. You said they’re bred for calving ease. Whatever your doing you’re doing it right. He throws really nice babies and these first calf heifers had zero trouble. I suspect when he breeds them back they better not sneeze or they’ll find a calf on the ground! Thank you sir."
"Thank you so much for working with me in the purchase of my 20 cow/calf pairs. They look great!! The grass fed genetics is even better than you described. They made it thru last summer looking pretty damn good. We will be coming by this summer for one if your bulls."
"I thank you and appreciate you so much. You’re truly an amazing person and I thank you for you honesty, kindness, and integrity. You have helped get a start on what I have always dreamed of doing. Again thank you."